A few days ago I woke up and realized the connection between racism and world peace. Most nights I receive downloads from higher levels of consciousness (my guides who are extraterrestrial and other-worldly, often from the "angelic" realms of creation). They were very adamant and I received the message loud and clear that eliminating racism and sexism is the clear path to consciousness, the path to eliminating all wars once and forever, the path to create global and interplanetary peace.. FOREVER.
So I searched YouTube for videos under "What is Racism?" I will search "What is Sexism" and launch another campaign. My goal is to educate myself and others and create sensitivity to this issue which affects us all. Racism causes violence, acting out by those uncomfortable with others simply because of prejudice (pre-judgments). We need to sit down and talk to one another, mix it up and simply get over it. We are all ONE. These artificial separations are killing this planet with violence and wars that permeate all levels of existence.
I invite you to join me and test this theory. I firmly believe you will see a change in your own attitudes and in how you treat other people and how they treat you. We live in a magical world where we are all connected through the Morphogenic Field, the grid that surrounds our world and connects to all worlds in time and space everywhere. There are many videos and articles that explain our connected existence much better than I can, so I invite you to discover them. With that being said, we feed the grid and the grid feeds us. If we adjust ourselves individually then the collective adjusts accordingly. Thus none of us are free from victimhood, are fully empowered and can and do affect the collective.
Evil will not be supported. Evil is falling away, replaced by good thoughts and deeds. Focus on love, goodness and light and replace all dark thoughts with kindness and goodness. It's pretty simply and it works. However, you must remain patient and allow goodness to permeate every cell of your being. You heal individually and collectively heal the entire world.
I discovered I suffered from reverse racism. I was giving minorities top priority and wasn't seeing all as equal (on a deep, subconscious level). My Mother was racist when I was young and I felt embarrassed and over-compensated. I identified as someone who was not a racist, who was fair across the board, when in fact I was still in reaction to my racist upbringing and the racist world that I was raised in. I was not centered or neutral but reacting to external stimuli. So I decided to adjust that flaw within myself and have begun a course correction in my life.
I invite you to do the same. Please watch this, the first video in a series of videos that if you watch and really get reflective and wrap your minds around, you will correct any and all prejudice within yourselves and begin a path to peace for all humanity.
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