Doctor Says 'A Lot Of Transmission Left To Come' | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Herd immunity may never come because the antibodies do not last very long. So the virus can keep coming back over and over again for years, much like the virus of 1918. But this virus is much stronger than the others. Better start incorporating gloves and masks that match your outfits for the next few years. Now there's a home business you can start.  We need Medicare for All, basic minimum income ($2000 a month per person 16 and older plus $500 month per child).  People will be consumers who feed the economy.  Remove money from the population and the whole civilization/economy dissolves.  We need consumers. And the uber rich need to pay their fare share of taxes to put back into circulation to we the people so there's money to purchase their products and services to make them rich. So like Henry Ford who realized he had to give his employees enough money so they could afford to purchase his Model T Fords, the billionaires have to stop being so greedy and vampiric sucking off humanity, they need to pay taxes instead of hoarding their wealth, so the entire system functions and all of us benefit.  We need a cap on personal wealth and if that means no more billionaire individuals and corporations, then so be it. But this system is no longer working. We need a new system.
