Roger Spurr Sacred Matrix Mudfossil Hosts Janet Kira & Dr Sasha Alex Les...

Roger Spurr is a citizen scientist from the semiconductor industry. Roger needed to confirm and investigate for himself all areas of academic dogma. He focused on molecules and electricity, how everything interacts and bonds and how the most basic things work. It was soon clear that the dogma did not work.  In 2012, after some yard work, he noticed rock formations that were anatomically perfect. He then began studying rock formation and mineral deposits and he realized that the geology we were taught did not work at all. Roger discovered Giant Human soft-tissue body parts and had them DNA certified and cat scanned and anatomist verified…He named them “Mudfossils” (all one word) because they were mostly preserved by continuously wet mud. 

Academia refuses to examine his unimpeachable proof or even respond to his requests. As a result, he started Mudfossil University on Youtube to expose the truth. Fellow researchers and students poured in with evidence from around the world. Together, they now study everything with broad research across multiple disciplines at Mudfossil University (MFU). Roger is an independent researcher working with thousands to get to the truth.

He leads up a team at MFU where they share and discuss without prejudice….without gain of status or money. At MFU, they do not ignore material facts and are committed to finding the truth no matter how far-reaching. MFU welcomes other researchers and shares freely.

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Contact: Mud Fossils <>
